Vineet Gulati has recently been inducted into the Board of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) as a new member of Air Navigation Services (ANS). Prior to his appointment, he served at AAI in various capacities, as Executive Director (Air Traffic Management), General Manager (Air Traffic Flow Management) and Air Traffic Controller in ATC Centers at various international airports.
In the span of three decades after being selected as an Aerodrome Officer in 1985, Gulati gained wide experience in the field of Air Navigation Services, Airport operations and management. He has held all the procedural and surveillance ATC ratings and has been an On-the-Job Training Instructor and has a vast experience of working at Mumbai, Delhi, Guwahati and Lucknow Airports of the AAI. He is also a trained Procedure Designer for Procedures regarding Air Navigation Services Operations (PANS-OPS). Gulati has also served as a Technical Advisor to the Representative of India in the Council of ICAO, Montreal from 2009 to 2012.
He has been mainly responsible for implementation of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), Management of Air Traffic Services, development of Aeronautical Survey, Aerodrome Licensing and ANS Integrated Planning Group(IPG). He was also responsible for the establishment of Research and Development Wing of Air Navigation Services. One of the foremost contributions of Gulati has been the formulation of India`s Air Navigation Strategic Plan 2020.