In November, 2018, over 100 events will take place across the city of Helsinki, celebrating the work taking place in daycare centres, schools, and educational establishments. The programs are free and open to the public, and coincide with the HundrED Innovation Summit, an invitation-only event that brings together the world’s most inspiring innovators in education.
Between Helsinki Education Week and the HundrED Innovation Summit, the city of Helsinki will be teeming with local and international education stakeholders passionate about improving excellence and equity in education.
“We are thrilled by the high number of quality event submissions for the first annual Helsinki Education Week,” said Liisa Pohjolainen, Executive Director of Education Division of the Helsinki School District.
“This event celebrates excellence and equity which are at the heart of the Finnish approach to education and we’re excited to host some of the most passionate educators, students, and stakeholders here in Helsinki.”
Helsinki Education Week provides a program for learners of all ages and for everyone who is interested in learning and developing education. The five-day program includes, studying in the school tram, or learning environment experiences both in the forest and in the virtual world. There will also be skateboarding with Skateistan, Escape Games, Pop-Up College at the shopping centre, digital and portfolio pedagogy, workshops, documentary premieres, open doors and panel discussions.
Helsinki Education Week will feature programs from the world’s teaching experts, Finnish education leaders, and teachers, students, and parents from Helsinki.