Despite challenging weather conditions, thousands of locals and visitors rang in the New Year in high spirits at Helsinki’s official celebrations at the Senate Square. The celebrations began with a special programme for kids and their families at the start of the evening. The internationally renowned Maria Baric Company presented a magical show combining music, fire, theatre, dance and circus that was watched by an audience of around 10,000.
The main show later in the evening featured brilliantly visual performances by Finnish music stars Vesala and Vesta, and an estimated crowd of 25,000 people rang in the New Year while watching the fireworks above Helsinki Cathedral. “I’m really glad that we were able to celebrate together the New Year at such a fine event despite the challenging weather conditions. I don’t remember ever having been so nervous getting ready for the big event, as we had to keep a close eye on the weather forecast throughout the day. Fortunately, the locals are used to these Arctic conditions, and Senate Square was completely filled with lots of happy people celebrating together,” says Event Producer Susa Nokelainen.