Q: Most memorable trip to any destination? It was a family vacation trip to Singapore that included a cruise to Malaysia and back from Singapore. My extended family and a few of my friends joined us on the cruise. It was a very laid-back and relaxed holiday.
Q: You dream of going to? Being a wildlife enthusiast, I dream of going to Serengeti National Park and hopefully see the annual migration at close quarters.
Q: Favourite airline and why? Emirates. It not only offers great service and convenient timings, but more importantly Dubai, as the airline’s centre, offers excellent connections to other destinations.
Q: Best hotel experience and why? My stay at the Serena Beach Resort and Spa at Mombasa stands out for me. The hotel offers an excellent location with beachfront and excellent views of the Indian Ocean. The spa and the other facilities at the hotel ensure you have a relaxing stay, and when it comes to cuisine you are indeed spoilt for choice. Lastly, the location of the hotel is right next door to the best of Mombasa nightlife on offer.
Q: A place you plan to visit again? I would like to visit Maasai Mara again. The experience is unparalleled for a wildlife enthusiast. The last trip was with friends and colleagues, but I now plan to go there for a family holiday.

Q: A family vacation that stands out? The family vacation that stands out for me was a month-long holiday we took in 2016. On that trip, we spent the first ten days in Europe and packed in London, Paris and Amsterdam, and then spent three weeks in North America catching the sights in Canada and the US.
Q: Your best holiday with friends? The trip to Kenya where we spent a week in Kenya covering Nairobi, Mombasa and the Mara. It included a couple of days at Mombasa right by the Indian Ocean with excellent views, nightlife and water sports activities on offer and then a few days at the Mara which included six safaris in three days.
Q: Great food you enjoyed and where? Carnivore restaurant in Nairobi, for the exotic cuisine it offers and a completely different dining experience. The sheer range and a variety of meats on offer is mindboggling with roasted foodstuffs brought to the table and carved and served right there. It is an experience worth repeating.
Q: What to watch out for while travelling? It always helps to do a bit of reading before heading to a new destination and lastly there is no substitute to common sense when travelling in a new city.
Q: As a travel buyer, what’s your philosophy? When it comes to travel, I always believe convenience and comfort take priority over saving a few dollars here and there. Lastly, I do believe in not just going by attractive photographs and pictures but reading up on reviews left by past guests.