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AAI introduces unique modern scientific techniques to manage stress of airline crew

The unprecedented aviation growth, in the past few years, has posed various challenges for the aviation industry globally. One of the biggest challenge is the occupational stress for the personal working in the high demand environment. The long term exposure to high stress is affecting the health of the personal severely, leading to conditions like hyper-tension, diabetes, low energy level, headaches, upset stomach, aches, pains, tense muscles, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, frequent colds and infections etc.

Many studies have been conducted in the past regarding stress development process and interventions like Interventions on the external socio-economic environment, on technology & work organization, working place and task structure, improving individual responses &behavior and by health protection and promotion etc. Stress in the aviation industry is a common phenomenon composed of three sources, which are physiological stressors, psychological stressors, and environmental stressors.

Changes in work shifts and trans-meridian flight result in asynchrony between aviation personal’s circadian rhythms. This lack of synchrony results in shift-lag syndrome (due to changes in work schedule) and jet-lag syndrome (due to trans-meridian flights) severely affects the body clock specifically Airline Pilots, Cabin Crew, Air Traffic Controllers and Air Passengers.

To address this issue, AAI in co-ordination with Dr. Ashok Bhatt, Medical Consultant for AGP Breathworks customized a unique Modern Scientific Techniques infused with Ancient Yogic Breathing Practices called SKYFIT which would help in managing stress of Airline Pilots, Cabin Crew, Air Traffic Controllers and Air Passengers. This will help to have a Holistic approach towards Quality Health & Well-being.

The SKYFIT was globally launched by Hon’bleUnion Minister of State for Civil Aviation during the International Aviation Summit 2018 and later during the Global Aviation Summit in January 2019, Mobile App for SKYFIT was also launched by Hon’bleUnion Minister of Civil Aviation.

SKYFIT was showcased during the celebration of 5th International Yoga Day organized by Embassy of India in Lao PDRon 15th June 2019. Mr. Boualane Sylipanya, Vice Minister of Education and Sports, Lao PDR was the Chief Guest of the event and Mr. S. Suresh, Member Finance, AAI was the Guest of honour.

The celebrations were attended by more than 700 people from different nationalities. Speaking on the occasion H.E. Sh. Dinkar Asthana, Ambassador of India in Lao PDR mentioned the importance of yoga particularly Asthanga yoga which means Eight Steps of Yoga, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Praytahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.


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