The World Economic Forum has published the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report, 2019 and India has recorded the biggest improvement among the top performers in the field of global tourism. It has moved up from the 40th position in 2017 to the 34th position in 2019.
Table: T&T Competitiveness Index 2019

As per the report, cultural heritage and natural resources are the two factors, where India has scored well. The country has also improved in the fields of business environment and environmental sustainability. However, in as many as 4 broad factors, namely safety and security, health and hygiene, price competitiveness and air transport, the country performed poorly, sliding from its 2015 position.
According to the World Bank, approximately 1.5 crore international tourists visited the country in 2017. The Indian Travel and Tourism industry employs around 2.8 crore people and contributes around 3.6% of the GDP.
Source: The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019: Travel and Tourism at a Tipping Point by World Economic Forum