Leveraging its rich expertise in food and hospitality services, ITC Hotels is providing extensive support to both Central and state governments across different cities during this pandemic. The key initiative has been food distribution across cities based on the requirements of the local administration as well as hospitals.
New Delhi: ITC Maurya and Sheraton have been providing over 1,500 meals daily for distribution to migrant workers.
Bengaluru: ITC Gardenia is lending its support with 1,000 food packets daily for 15 days (15000 meals) to the Municipal Corporation
Mumbai: ITC Grand Central has made arrangements to deliver meals to doctors in MG Hospital. Food has also been catered to doctors at the Kasturba Hospital in Mumbai by ITC Grand Central.
Lucknow: Fortune Hotel is also lending assistance through the provision of more than 1,000 meals per day.
This initiative will be progressively rolled out in other metros including Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad.
In addition to providing meals, ITC Hotel properties in Jaipur and Goa have made meaningful contributions by providing shower caps for doctors and healthcare workers as well as ensuring availability of sanitisers. ITC Maratha, Mumbai was identified as one of the quarantine spaces by the Mumbai Municipal Corporation. ITC Hotels is also working closely with the local administration and embassies and offered similar space at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai and ITC Kohenur, Hyderabad to enable stopover of asymptomatic international travellers as and when required. In alignment with the ITC’s credo of “Nation First”, ITC Hotels remains fully committed to serving national priorities during this unprecedented situation.