Ryan Roslansky will take his place as LinkedIn CEO.
"The world has changed dramatically since I first announced my intention to step down on February 5th," said Weiner in an open letter on LinkedIn.
Describing his journey, Weiner eloquently reached out to the millions of people belonging to the LinkedIn community, "It seems almost impossible to find the right words to fully describe my experience at LinkedIn -- the thousands upon thousands of moments, people and learnings that comprised my true dream job.
"The most appropriate word I can think of is one that's always held special meaning for me. It's a Bantu word, “ubuntu," that loosely defined means “humanity” or the way in which all of us are connected.
"A more literal translation is “I am because we are.” It’s a powerful concept and very fitting of my time with the team at LinkedIn and our 690M members, developing a community to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
"I can’t think of a better way to describe my extraordinary journey with all of you over the last 11+ years: I am because we are. Those were among the last words I said at my final all-hands and they seem equally relevant here among the last words I'll write as CEO: I am because we are."